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Let there be light!

January 16, 2012

Lutz FL Real Estate – If your home or business is not using compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), it should.

CFLs are energy efficient and cost effective lighting alternative to regular incandescent light bulbs. CFLs fit regular electrical sockets or can be used in small lighting fixtures.

CFLs are becoming more and more widely used in businesses and homes. They use 75 percent less energy than incandescent light bulbs and last as much as 75 percent longer. And each CFL can save more than 400 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions from impacting the atmosphere.

CFLs are an excellent source of energy either at home or a business because they use less energy to supply the same amount of light. In fact using an ENERGY STAR qualified CFL can save roughly $30 or more in electricity costs throughout its lifetime.

While CFLs are saving money when used in a home or business, more importantly they are saving the environment.

CFLs usage reduces the release of mercury and greenhouse gases from coal-burning power plants. If every American home replaced just one incandescent light bulb with an ENERGY STAR qualified CFL, it would save enough energy to light more than three million homes.

Some people have balked at the idea of purchasing CFLs for their homes or businesses due to their components but one major retailer has stepped up to the plate to eliminate the one drawback of CFLs.

The Home Depot re-affirmed its commitment to the environment when it launched a national in-store, consumer CFL bulb recycling program at all of its locations years ago. The free service is the first of its kind and provides consumers with a choice to make an environmentally conscious decision from purchase to disposal.

Consumers are encouraged to bring in used, unbroken CFL bulbs, place them in a plastic bag and place them in the collection unit. The bulbs are managed by an environmental management company, which coordinates CFL packaging, transportation and recycling to ensure safety and environmental compliance.

The CFL recycling program is an extension of The Home Depot’s Eco Options program. Eco Options, launched in April 2007, is a classification that allows customers to easily identify products that have less of an impact on the environment.

Major retailers are making changes to encourage consumers to be more environmentally friendly in their places of businesses, as well as homes.  If your Lutz FL home needs help, you know what to do.

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